

| Sector: Agriculture

PMFBY scheme is sensitized and popularized among all the farmers. Farmers voluntarily insured crop and participated in PMFBY scheme to protect their crops from natural calamities like flood, drought etc. PMFBY sensitization and awareness created resulted in insurance coverage of 5376 farmer’s voluntary enrollment in this scheme during Kharif 2017 and Rabi 2017-18. All the major Agricultural crops cultivated in Krishnagiri district based on cropping pattern covered insurance scheme. As per recommendations of District Level Monitoring Committee the Individual farmer based crop compensation may be paid to the farmers, Crop Cutting Experiments based on yield.

It will support the farmer to minimize the financial loss caused by various crop damages. It will improve the livelihood of the farming community. It will create confidence among the farmer to adopt new innovative technology in crop production, stabilizing the income of the farmer to their continuous farming and will sustain the credit flow among the farming community.

Eligibility Condition

Farmers who have enrolled in PMFBY insurance under notified villages / notified firka are eligible.

Procedure to obtain the benefit/Service

The farmers must enroll or insure the crop in Kharif or Rabi season by paying premium in banks or through common service Centre.


The farmers must enroll or insure the crop in Kharif or Rabi season by paying premium in banks or through common service Centre


It will support the farmer to minimize the financial loss caused by various crop damages