
Non Communicable Diseases Control Programme

Date : 30/09/2013 - | Sector: Health Care

In Tamil Nadu 10.4% suffer from diabetes, 20% suffer from high blood pressure and 23% of people are over-weight. Crude mortality death due to cardio vascular diseases in Tamil Nadu is above 360-430/100000-higest in the country. Non-communicable diseases impose a heavy burden both on public health system, also on the people.

Non-Communicable diseases Programme provides screening and treatment of Hypertension/Diabetes for anyone aged 30 years and above attending any PHC/GH. Also this programme provides screening of cervical cancer and breast cancer for females aged 30 years and above.

Eligibility Condition

Above 30 years old citizen

Procedure to obtain the benefit/Service

To visit nearby PHC, GH‘s NCD Clinic


Above 30 years old citizen


Provides screening and treatment of Hypertension/Diabetes for anyone aged 30 years